Thursday 21 August 2008

Diabetes Most Likely Not Caused By C-reactive Protein

A study published in the open-access journal PLoS Medicine
finds that levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) in the blood are non
likely to cause diabetes. Previous research has suggested that brocaded
levels of the protein are linked to an increase in diabetes risk, but
this latest research conducted by Eric Brunner (Royal Free and
University College London Medical School, London) and colleagues
suggests that the association is not causal.

Affecting about 200 million mass in the world, diabetes is a
condition characterized by senior high school blood gelt (glucose) levels in the
blood that often leads to problems with several organs and a shorter
lifespan. In type 2 diabetes (as well called adult-onset), the physical structure
becomes resistant to insulin, blood refined sugar levels increment, and the
pancreas responds by producing more insulin. Diabetes is fully
developed when the pancreas malfunctions and insulin secretion
decreases. Being overweight is a major risk factor for diabetes, and
increased body fat causes mild, chronic tissue fervor - leading
to further insulin resistance. It is also known that people with high
levels of the inflammatory protein CRP are at an increased risk of
developing diabetes. It has been proposed that inflammation causes
diabetes, and a drug that reduces the level of CRP in the blood could
as well decrease the risk of developing diabetes.

Brunner and colleagues used a method called Mendelian Randomization to
test if inflammation is a grounds of diabetes. From a sample of 50,000
people from the Whitehall II study, the researchers were able to
bar blood CRP levels. They also secondhand the ''homeostasis model
assessment-insulin resistance'' (HOMA-IR) method to measure semipermanent
blood gelt control as well as insulin sensitiveness from descent glucose
and insulin measurements. Thirdly, the investigators analyzed three
"single polynucleotide polymorphisms" in CRP to track inherited transmitted
blocks. To control for the personal effects of other variables, the researchers
included several voltage confounding factors in their model such as
fleshiness, blood pressure, and
socioeconomic position - all play a part in the development of

Results from the study indicate that blood CRP levels are non
responsible for the development of insulin resistance or diabetes (in
European populations). Further, drugs that target against CRP are
unlikely to prevent or delay the onset of diabetes.

Inflammation, insulin electric resistance and diabetes - Mendelian
randomization using CRP haplotypes points upstream

Brunner EJ, Kivim�ki M, Witte DR, Lawlor DA, Davey Smith G,
et al.
PLoS Medicine (2008). 5(7): e155.

Here to View the Article

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PLoS Medicine is an open access, freely useable
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Written by: Peter M Crosta

Copyright: Medical News Today

Not to be reproduced without permit of Medical News Today

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